Copyright holders email addresses

Lauri Watts lauri at
Mon Jun 19 00:37:35 CEST 2006

On Sunday 11 June 2006 15:06, Jaison Lee wrote:
> > It should be (c). I don't remember what we concluded in another mailing
> > list about the forced use of non-ASCII characters in every file.
> Well, it does not *have* to be (c). At least not for US copyright:

KDE is not a US entity, and there are other jurisdictions to care about.  
However, nearly all of them are signatories to the Berne Convention.

> The word "Copyright" is legally acceptable, and shows up correctly in
> every locale. :)
> The only thread I was able to find was this one:
> but I'm not taking that as canon because the advice there is to use
> (C) and that is not a legally useful symbol. You yourself pointed out
> that all files are in UTF-8, and I would add that we have many, many
> contributors that have names that require non-ASCII characters. Even
> so, since (c) is not necessary, I don't see the point of forcing a
> change just to be pretty.

I stand by what I said in that thread

> Right now, the best policy would be to:
> 1) Require the word 'Copyright'.
> 2) Accept but do not force the use of (c).

> 3) Eliminate all occurrances of (C) on the grounds that it is misleading.

C, in either lower or upper case, in or outside a pair of braces, does not 
provide any protection, and is not just misleading, it is meaningless. you 
may as well allow 7y3 as a copyright symbol, because it will have as much 
effect. This pointless pseudo-notation should be firmly and clearly outlawed, 
in my opinion.

> Does something like this need to be okayed by KDE e.V.? How formal is
> the submission process?

There is, btw, a very well researched, approved by a legal type person, if 
perhaps a little out of date, set of trademark acknowledgements in the KDE 
documentation.  If you can wait a few hours, I will send you a copy.

Lauri Watts
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