Copyright holders email addresses

Jaison Lee lee.jaison at
Sun Jun 11 05:21:14 CEST 2006

Along the same lines as my previous question, I have 2 others:

1) Many of the copyright holders of our files are corporations. There
is Apple Computer, Sun, even MIT. These copyright notices generally
don't have email addresses with them. The license policy says that an
email is required, but do we want to require this of businesses as
well? What email do we choose? Assume that legal at will get
to someone? Hunt down the legal adress for every company?

2) The use of c-in-parenthesis (C) is everywhere, but this has no
legal meaning. Do we want to purge it? The word "Copyright" is
definately needed, but I don't think the c-in-parenthesis actually
hurts anything, other than perpetuating the belief that it is useful.

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