legal issues around cover art

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at
Mon Nov 8 22:11:57 CET 2004

On Monday 08 November 2004 18:15, Scott Wheeler wrote:
> *) Amazon web services -- this one has a clearly defined terms of
> use, but my reading of these terms [1] (sections C and D
> specifically) is such that they cannot be used in a GPL'ed app. 
> Specifically the requirements for linkage to Amazon, linking to other
> stores being banned, not allowing certain uses of the data, etc. seem
> problematic.  Specifically, if you took a GPL'ed application and
> removed the line of code that caused it to link to Amazon it would no
> longer be legal to redistribute said application.  This would seem to
> contradict the terms of the GPL.

There are other licenses than the GPL. You could for example use a 
BSD-style license for JuK. Wouldn't this solve the problem?

Or go the usual way via a LGPL plugin interface, or call an external 
application downloading the cover art from amazon.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at>

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