legal issues around cover art

Aaron Seigo aseigo at
Mon Nov 8 21:43:43 CET 2004

On November 8, 2004 10:15, Scott Wheeler wrote:
> I tend to prefer the Google one since it seems to be at least in the gray
> area to my mind, but I'm not sure if either is legal enough for inclusion
> in KDE. Thoughts?

IANAL, and i think a lawyer should look at this eventually, but ... i don't 
believe this would be a GPL violation. the GPL does not permit anyone to make 
just any changes they wish to the source. in fact, section 7 of the GPL has 
an out for this situation: if you can't satisfy the GPL and some other 
relevant ruling then you have to renig on the GPL too. seeing as JuK would, 
and amaroK does, abide by the Amazon Terms and Conditions, and those T&Cs are 
transferable to other authors (e.g. it isn't an exclusive T&C between JuK's 
authors and Amazon), i don't see the problem.

this doesn't restrict people from removing the Amazon-related code or even 
from changing it. they would have to abide by Amazon's T&C, however. this is 
pretty much like how trademark and patent law affects the GPL today, AFAIK

but again, IANAL =)

Aaron J. Seigo
Society is Geometric
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