advert on webcvs

Andreas Pour pour at
Fri Feb 27 08:56:51 CET 2004

Navindra Umanee wrote:
> Olaf Jan Schmidt <ojschmidt at> wrote:
> > [Andreas Pour, Mi 25.02. 2004 22:54:22]
> > > A compromise might be:  redirect from the domain to the actual
> > > domain.
> >
> > I think this is a very good suggestion. It has advantages for the sponsor
> I don't like it at all personally.
> I think if you're going to use at all, we should
> encourage the use of that address to be the primary one.  Otherwise
> there isn't much point because as soon as you go deeper into the site,
> you lose the base part of the URL.

That's the point.  If it's not the project's website, why should it have the
project's domain name?

Are you worried about, or what exactly is the objection?

> is IMHO a much better URL than
> randomdomain/content/here/, same thing for the wiki.


> > I believe making the difference between sites controlled by KDE and sites
> > that are individual contributions for KDE is important not only to avoid
> > the impression that KDE e.V. is selling advertisments (which is is not
> A disclaimer should solve this.

But a priori we don't control the site, and don't monitor it.  You want to force
a disclaimer, and what if a page does not have one?  Why create unnecessary
confusion in the first place?

> > allowed to IIRC), but more importantly also to properly acknowledge those
> > that run these sponsored sites.
> Then the sponsored site should not request at all.

True but at this juncture there are many bookmarks.  The decision to extend domains to sites not controlled by KDE was probably a mistake but now we
are somewhat stuck with it.

Moving forward I can see your argument but I recall noting "compromise" at the
beginning.  Compromise means:  nobody gets exactly what they want but everyone
gets a little of what they want ;-).



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