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Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Feb 25 08:56:15 CET 2004

Hash: SHA1

On February 25, 2004 12:29, Michael Matz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > however, for sites such as kde-[look|apps].org which also have a
> > * alias that are privately hosted and are not core informational
> > repositories for the KDE project i don't see the harm. the fact is that
> > we have and today because of sponsorship, which
> > translates into banners.
> >
> > our choices are pretty obvoius: have the community sites and accept the
> > reality that comes with being able to support them (e.g. in some cases
> > banners), fund them ourselves (would be nice, isn't a current reality),
> > or not have them. i'd prefer the second option, as i'm sure most would. i
> > don't think anyone would like the last option. so we are left, at least
> > for now, with the first option.
> Sure we most probably want them (not that we have any influence on their
> existance).  But why must they then have * aliases?

they don't have to, but it's nice to support our community, which we are a 
part of. so.. it's nice to support ourselves and it's preferable to being 
inflexible stodgy sticks-in-the-mud which doesn't reflect well on us nor help 
build our community up.

> Still others might want to allow a static picture referring to the
> sponsor, although this quickly leads to quite ambiguous cases.
> Others want case-by-case, but that's cumbersome to enforce.

you assume "enforcement" is necessary. i don't think it is. relax, we're a 
community not a conspiracy ;-)

> I think most would at least agree that animated banners are a no-go for
> any * .

for the KDE Projects websites, sure... they are more "ours" (the people on 
this list) than others which may be a part of the KDE family ..

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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