Id tags are fun

Olaf Jan Schmidt ojschmidt at
Mon Feb 23 18:53:39 CET 2004

Hash: SHA1

[Stephan Kulow, So 22.02. 2004 11:12:11]
> Could you please stick to code you maintain for doing such things?
> I don't think it will harm, but I would still like everyone to decide
> for his own.

Stephan, could you please suggest a policy change on the kde-policies list 
if you believe that everyone should decide this on his/her own? Commit 
rule 19 does not say that it is optional, so if a majority of people 
agree with your interpretation of the policy, then we should make this 

> You basically breaking commit rule 8 by trying to enforce rule 19

I think your are being unfair to Frans here. Commit rule 8 asks people to 
discuss big changes before commiting them, which is exactly what Frans is 

Also, commit rule 8 does not claim to override other rules, and no part of 
the commit policy says that some of the rules are optional.

> (note that they are basically ordered by importance)

Where exactly was this agreed on? And why isn't the policy worded this way 
if this is really the agreed interpretation of the policy?

I don't care much about the particular issue of having $id tags (apart 
from the fact that I find them annoying). But if parts of a policy are 
optional (or ordered in importance), the policy should say so. Otherwise 
we end up in a situation where everyone just picks the parts of the 
policies s/he likes.

As the commit policy is currently worded, there are no optional parts.
I also had a look at the kde-policies mailing list archive and I didn't 
find a single mail calling the latter parts of the commit policy 

Please suggest a policy change if you believe that commit rule 8 should 
override commit rule 12.

I'm cc'ing kde-policies to discuss the interpretation of the policy there.


- -- 
Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project
KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of

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