KDE libs documentation policy

Benjamin Meyer ben at meyerhome.net
Thu Oct 30 19:35:41 CET 2003

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On Monday 27 October 2003 11:26 pm, Benjamin Meyer wrote:
> Ok I have taken a little bit of time an written up what what was discussed
> in this thread.  The writup can be found temporarily here:
> http://kaylee.meyerhome.net:83/~ben/documentationpolicy.html
> Comments, corrections, flames (to the list, not me... hopefully)?
> The intended location is:
> http://developer.kde.org/policies
> -Benjamin Meyer

In the three weeks this was on kde-core-devel no one told me there was a 
policies ml so now I am cc'ing the list with the last message.  (Is anyone on 
policy that isn't on core-devel?) The initial file has been added to cvs 
before I found about this list.  Feel free to discuse and change anything.  I 
just summed up what was in the thread into the doc.  Feel free to hide the 
doc from showing up on the website if a major flame war erupts or whatnot.

- -Benjamin Meyer

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