bug handling policy / interaction with users

Reinhold Kainhofer kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Sun, 16 Mar 2003 02:00:50 +0100

Hash: SHA1

Neil Stevens wrote:
>> Being a volunteer doesn't mean you have no responsibility involved.
> I'd turn it around:
> Either users put up with the fact that developers won't obey your demands,
> aren't interested in the Grand Beauty of your scrap-it-all idea and just
> want what already works, or you look for another project to use, like the
> Hurd or something.
> Developers being volunteers doesn't give them a responsibility to do
> whatever you say.

IIRC, this thread is not about why this bug report was closed. It's okay if=
you don't implement it (and don't want to). This thread is about how the=20
report was closed.

Image you work for your local charity on a garage sale for books. Some=20
stranger walks up to you and asks if he can get a bicycle here. Would you=20
answer he should "go to hell"? I would consider this completely=20
inappropriate, even if you usually talk like that to your friends. Usually=
you would just answer "No, sorry, we are a book sale here, we don't have an=
bicycles", wouldn't you?
I consider the comments to the bug report just as inappropriate. Politeness=
is, I think, the most important thing when dealing with other people. If I=
were the bug reporter, I would really be pissed off by the arrogance and ev=
hostility I recieved from the KDE developers. Let's just hope the bug=20
reporter is not writing an article for some newspaper or journal. That woul=
give really bad press for the KDE team...

> You want market-driven, go join up with SuSE.

It's not about driven by anything, it is about how we treat others, no matt=
if we agree with their thoughts or not.

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