Fwd: Hayes

Stephan Kulow kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 12:16:07 +0100

Am Tuesday 28 January 2003 00:52 schrieb Marc Mutz:
> On Tuesday 28 January 2003 00:16, Neil Stevens wrote:
> <snip>
> > So now here we are in kde-policies, with a simple question:  Does the
> > maintainer of a plugin-based application have veto power over what
> > plugins get included in the release?  And does that veto power carry
> > over to the kdeaddons package of extra plugins, too?
> <snip>
> I'd say yes and yes. Plugins can deeply change the internals of
> applications and lead to unstable apps.
> As far as plugins distributed with KDE releases are concerned, plugins
> are oftern not very visible, so a badly written plugin will reflect
> back badly on the app (maintainer).
> Things are of course different if the plugin is not distributed with
> KDE. In that case, the user normally needs to install the plugin off
> appsy or whatever and thus is well aware of the plugin as an entity of
> it's own, separate from the app.

Good that I continued reading before writing my own oppinion on it - as
Marc already wrote it. If Hayes is distributed with KDE (in the one or the 
other form) people will connect it with noatun, so if it makes noatun 
unstable or less functional (please don't overread the word "if" here),
then the noatun maintainer should have a final say about it beeing shipped.
Of course this should be on a technical level and as far as I understood,
Charles provided these technical reasons. 

I don't understand a thing about noatun (hell, I hate it ;), but on the 
general question about plugins and app maintainers, I'd have to trust
the app maintainer.  

Greetings, Stephan