Fwd: Hayes

Rob Kaper kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 01:52:52 +0100

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday January 28 2003 12:52 am, Marc Mutz wrote:
> I'd say yes and yes. Plugins can deeply change the internals of
> applications and lead to unstable apps.
> As far as plugins distributed with KDE releases are concerned, plugins
> are oftern not very visible, so a badly written plugin will reflect
> back badly on the app (maintainer).
> Things are of course different if the plugin is not distributed with
> KDE. In that case, the user normally needs to install the plugin off
> appsy or whatever and thus is well aware of the plugin as an entity of
> it's own, separate from the app.

The majority of users will get KDE through installations by distributions, 
which might include those by default anyway.

How about a clearer visibility and distinction of plugins in KAboutData and 
the bug wizard? If the main argument is that this distinction is missing, we 
should tackle that, and not try to fix it elsewhere in release policies.

- -- 
Rob Kaper      | From the mountains, to the prairies         ***** =========
capzilla.net   | To the oceans, white with foam              ***** =========
unixcode.org   | GOD BLESS AMERICA                           ===============
the-amazing.us | My home sweet home                          ===============
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