Fwd: Hayes

Andreas Pour kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 17:25:05 -0600

Harri Porten wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Andreas Pour wrote:
> > > What does this have to do with you? I'm sorry but you're mixing everything up here.
> > > And Harri's proposal has nothing to do with Dirk either - since it's about a future
> > > policy, where the release coordinator will be someone else.
> >
> > What I am saying is that the release coordinator must be accountable if his
> > position is to have any legitimacy.   From what I can see, it does not have that
> > now.
> We already started to discuss voting procedures to ensure that everybody
> holding a position (or maybe better: "duty") is backed by the majority of
> KDE members.

I am talking about "accountability".  This means, you don't just elect someone
and then he is dictator and gets to do whatever he wants.  That is not and never
will be KDE.

This is also not an issue of PR versus developers.  This is an issue of
respecting contributors and people with leadership positions acting in the best
interests of KDE.

Nothing in KDE is irreplacable.  I am replaceable, Dirk is replaceable.  So
instead of focusing on personalities we need to focus on the issues.  The issue
here is to what extent the project has legitimacy.
> > Don't worry, I will be preparing an indictment against Dirk.
> Inspired by KMail developers ?

[ ... ]

> This is the right list if you want to constructively discuss how abuses of
> power can be avoided. If you want to have a duell for the King Of KDE
> position you better shoot this out in private. Tell us who won, we'll get
> a paper crown at the next Burger King restaurant.

Sure, this is all pretty damn funny as long as your project is not involved,
isn't it?

Reminds me of the fable of the guy who didn't complain when they came for the
homosexuals . . . . ohh, never mind.

