ksendbugmail problem

Scott Wheeler kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Mon, 6 Jan 2003 10:32:53 -0600

On Tuesday 24 December 2002 16:33, David Pashley wrote:
> > I guess it only allows kde.org, so this doesn't help third-party 
> > developers at all.
> Tis to be expected. Otherwise bug.kde.org would be an open relay, and
> that is not good.

(Sorry this is old -- I'm just getting back to reading email from the holiday 

This is basically saying that bug reporting will probably not work if the 
email address is not a @kde email address.  This should probably be changed 
to allow @kdemail (once that's up) or whatever it was that was decided in 

Also, this should be noted in the API docs, etc.  I certainly wouldn't have 
guessed from this that I couldn't use "scott@slackorama.net".



If the answer is "more lawyers" then the question shouldn't have been asked.