Bernhard Reiter kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Thu, 6 Feb 2003 21:58:44 +0100

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On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 08:40:26PM +0000, Richard Moore wrote:
> Certainly, *but* they gain the right to relicense the code under a more
> liberal regeme than I want. They also gain the right to make it harder
> for the average person to get hold of the code under *my* chosen
> license.
> The license you refer to is totally irrelevent because by assigning the
> copyright to them, they get the right to use any license they choose.

Just for clarification:

The FLA is different from a copyright assignment the FSF was using in the US.
It is a contract.
It does not allow the fiduciary to use any license they want.
This would break the contract especially if you can argue in court
that the fiduciary broke the promisse of paragraph 4 (3).

In any way you get rights to relicense under different
licenses as much as you want.

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