KDE CVS Commit Policy (3rd version)

Maks Orlovich mo002j at mail.rochester.edu
Sun Apr 27 19:29:27 CEST 2003

> > #19 is violated by at least some files in CVS; the argument in there
> > is also made somewhat less compelling by the -kk options to cvs diff.
> You mean "cvs up", right? It's still inconvenient because it requires

No, I mean cvs diff. If one makes a patch with the -kk option it'll skip 
differences to the tags. I guess that doesn't help people who use automatic 
merging, but I don't know how common that is. But anyway, this is minor, and 
is really not meant to take any sort of significant position - I am mostly 
just trying to point out a cool feature cvs diff has that can save people 
time ;-) (unfortunately plain diff doesn't support it, sob :-( )
Anyway, thanks a lot for noting my points, and in general for doing this 
(mostly) thankless job ;-).


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