KDE CVS Commit Policy (3rd version)

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Mon Apr 28 01:16:34 CEST 2003

On Sunday 20 April 2003 18:35, Maks Orlovich wrote:
> On Friday 11 April 2003 08:07 pm, Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
> (Arghh, sorry, I was planning on sending this a week ago, but got
> distracted by schoolwork)
> > Once again I incorporated the comments and converted the text to
> > HTML (see attachement). I will put the page into CVS at
> > "developer.kde.org/policies/commitpolicy.html" if there are no
> > serious objections.
> One objection to a part of point 12; mostly to a specific example
> which seems to imply something different than the section title. I
> think we should strike the  "I don't know what happens, but till
> somebody finds out, I'm disabling it" point.


> #19 is violated by at least some files in CVS; the argument in there
> is also made somewhat less compelling by the -kk options to cvs diff.

You mean "cvs up", right? It's still inconvenient because it requires 
additional steps and introduces different states of checkouts (with and 
without keyword substitution).

It's true that there are files in CVS which include RCS keywords, but I 
think the general opinion is to not use them.

> Also, I think #17 is enforced by scripts, so it may be useful to add
> a note to that effect.


> Also, I think the usage of GUI keyword should
> be made point 22, since it's pretty important information for the
> documenters, but many people don't know to use it, or exactly when to
> use it. (I am in the latter category - any doc people around to
> enlighten me?)


Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>

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