KDE e.V. transparency (was: Re: Voting rights - the GNOME way)

Marc Mutz kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 19:48:11 +0100

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On Wednesday 27 November 2002 02:38, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> > You must have replied to another mail. I don't think KDE eV. is
> > "evil". I just criticize it's apparent lack of transparency and the
> > lazyness in which the board apparently works.
> KDE e.V. is not the board. KDE e.V. is what its members make out of
> it.

The board is the executive that handles all the everyday jobs that the 
eV is there for: Reimbursements, membership application handling, etc.

> > Then I was invited to Hamburg and become a member. We discussed
> > many things there and ended up with pretty much that would have
> > been worth publishing. But the least part of it was published until
> > after recently.
> If you think that things are missing, then please go for it and add
> them. there was a freaking long thread about the stuff on
> kde-ev-membership. the documents are in CVS, please fix the problems
> you see.

We were told to keep the stuff under the carpet until it was released. 
That's what I did ;-)

> > Plus, the new members should have been subscribed to the members
> > list, yet I never received a mail from that list. Mirko said we
> > should drop a note if we (the new members) didn't hear from them in
> > a week's time or two. I did drop a note regarding that to the board
> > that was never answered.
> Not sure why Mirko said that, but usually sysadmin@kde.org is a
> better place for complains about technical matters.
> I've subscribed mutz@kde.org now.


> > Intevation GmbH donated EUR 200 left from the Aegypten project to
> > the eV in late June or early July. By August 22, they still had no
> > i18n(Quittung) for it and were not put on the donator list page. By
> > Sept 24th, they _still_ hadn't received an answer from the eV.
> Did you contact Eva or Ralf about this? Mirko is in the US so its
> easier for Ralf or Eva to handle the germany-related tax donation
> confirmations (whatever they're called in english)

The mails Intevation sent were addressed to kde-ev-treasurer, which I 
suppose it either routed to Mirko (being the current treasurer) or the 
board as a whole. If this alias does no longer serve it's purpose, it 
should be removed or rerouted.

> But IMHO you should not talk down the *idea* behind e.V. (and as you
> said above you agree that it is a good idea. Not all have understood
> that yet).

For those who haven't understood: I am positive to the idea of the eV. 
Why else would I have proposed the copyright assignment thingy?

> > The point was that it's less reponsive than it could and shoud be.
> > That it is less communicative than it could and should be. Esp.
> > since the board now holds four supposedly active people again. A
> > few postings about the outcome of the Hamburg meeting on core-devel
> > would have been a nice start.
> kde-core != KDE e.V.

But that's where announcements of such kind are done all the time. There 
or on the dot.

> > Nice rhethoric, but totally missing the point. To state it clearly:
> > 1. I don't think KDE e.V. has no place in KDE.
> > 2. I do know what it's tasks are. I _was_ in Hamburg, remember?
> > 3. My thoughts on letting myself be set to passive membership stem
> > from the fact that I currently don't see a difference between being
> > a member and being not.
> This point is mood as there is no active/passive membership status.
> You're either member or not.

Hu? I was in the SIG that revamped the statues to allow a passive 
membership so that we can get rid of the skeletons in the membership 
list and to make it possible to have a working eV that isn't dragged 
into an unmovable state by not being able to reach that 50% or so of 
members present to i18n(entlasten) the board each year.

I'm not exactly sure about whether we let this part of the bylaws pass 
in the assembly or not, now you say that there's no such state.


"Similia similibus curentur"
           -- Bush's new motto in fighting terrorism.

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