KDE e.V. transparency (was: Re: Voting rights - the GNOME way)

Marc Mutz kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 00:15:26 +0100

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On Saturday 23 November 2002 21:21, Navindra Umanee wrote:
> What I'm saying is that KDE e.V. should communicate its concerns and
> intentions better.  The way it looked like from the outside was as if
> KDE e.V. was some anonymous and unaccountable force.

Not only from the outside! I am a KDE e.V. member since the Hamburg 
meeting. But other than in Hamburg, I've heard nothing from KDE e.V. 
Mail addressed to the board was not answered; the KDE e.V. list is 
either dead or I was forgotten to be subscribed there...

All in all the KDE e.V. is again as anonymous and unaccountable to me 
(as a member) as it was before August, already a few months after the 

Don't get me wrong. The meeting itself was quite nice and productive, 
but I do consider letting myself be set to "passive" membership (the 
new membership status), since I don't see a difference between being a 
member and not being a member anyway. But then, the board possibly 
won't answer that request, too. :-(


"Similia similibus currentur"
           -- Bush's new motto in fighting terrorism.

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