Voting rights - the GNOME way

Neil Stevens
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 08:43:02 -0800

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday November 23, 2002 01:18, Navindra Umanee wrote:
> Zack Rusin <> wrote:
> > developers that serve the purpose of CVS sheriffs. Elections would
> > determine who will take those positions. Voting would be limited to
> > people with CVS accounts and people taking a part in elections would
> > have to demonstrate significant commitment to KDE project.
> Like Vadim, as soon as you start talking about elections, I have bad
> nightmares!  Let's please not turn into a political circus like the
> Debian project or the GNOME Foundation...
> I do like the way things seem to sort themselves out right now.  It's
> like a refined model of the Linux kernel development model except that
> the local dictators have much more power and the global dictator, if
> there's ever one, isn't much of one at all except when totally
> necessary.

App maintainers are not dictators over much of anything anymore.  All kinds 
of policy pronouncements are being handed down these days.  And beyond 
that, there are policy  matters to be decided that are by their nature 
global, rather than local.  Server matters, licensing, and dispute 
resolution are some of these.

Elections of an accountable group of leaders are so far the only means 
proposed of appointing these decision makers in a way that keeps them 
responsive and accountable to all KDE contributors.  If you don't want 
elections, please propose an alternative.

Note that whatever is done here, will end up filling the role in KDE that 
the GNOME Foundation fills for GNOME.  KDE's body can be run in many 
different ways.  Whatever the decision is (republicanism, democracy, 
dictatorship, or whatever) will affect for years to come.

- -- 
Neil Stevens -
Delenda est Carthago
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