LGPL (Re: Voting rights - the GNOME way)

Waldo Bastian kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 15:25:50 +0100

On Saturday 23 November 2002 00:10, Rob Kaper wrote:
> That said, do you mind if I add the LGPL for an optional license for
> libraries outside of kdelibs? There is probably LGPL stuff in libkdenetwork
> / libkdegames / libwhatever and that should be fine. The reason I ask is
> because Atlantik's libraries are LGPL, which is not explicitely okay by the
> policy. In fact, I use LGPL 2.1 explicitely (while kdelibs/COPYING.LIB is
> LGPL 2, not 2.1) and don't include "or any later version" in my code/header
> headers.

"4) Any other source files must be licensed under the terms of one of the 
licenses listed under 3) or any of the following licenses:"

LGPL is already listed under 3)

Other than that I'm not a fan of mixing LGPL versions.
