New list: kde-policies

Roberto Selbach Teixeira
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 13:51:08 -0200

On Wednesday 13 November 2002 19:58, Harri Porten wrote:
> Hi !
> Here's the proposal of an invitation that could be send to kde-core-devel
> and kde-i18-doc. Please comment ?
> I'm also toying with the idea of activate the approval mode
> for subscriptions. But this might not be necessary. Maybe noone wants to
> join anyway and this is yet another mailing list that will soon vanish in
> the realm of unimportance ;)

Not likely.

> Dear KDE Project members,
> [snip]
> update of outdated documents like "The KDE Development model" and the "KDE
> Philosphy" that can be found on

I know it'll sound like nitpicking but s/Philosphy/Philosophy/
