Creating a (printed) book out of KDE documentation

Pedro Morais
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 01:49:00 +0000

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First, let me introduce myself to those who don't know me.
My name is Pedro Morais and I've been coordinating the localization
of KDE to European Portuguese since the good old days of beta 3
(the name kdenonbeta still makes sense to me :-)
With only two active members, my team is small, but we
have until now managed to have all the GUI translated in almost
all releases, and now even have some documentation translated
(I would say about one third).

What I'm sure nobody knows here is that recently me and the other
team member, José Pires, also a personal friend, published our
first book in the biggest Portuguese publisher of computer books.
(By the way, is was about Python, more info in Portuguese at:
you can try to read it though babelfish)
This publisher already has several (4, I think) Linux-related books.

So, I think you can understand that I'm in a pretty good position to
suggest a new book about KDE to the publisher.

I have read thought the FDL and I'm pretty sure that it allows me
to publish the Portuguese translations of the KDE documentation,
as long as I keep the credits and have all my "fixes" published
under the same license; however I'd like to know what people
think about this.

I think this project would benefict KDE in the following ways:
- - Portuguese KDE users would have all the documentation
available online in Portuguese;
- - KDE would get "shelf-space" in the Portuguese libraries;
- - we would probably find errors and inconsistencies in the
original documentation and would try to fix them;
- - we would share our experience with other teams willing
to do the same in their countries.

If the project got accepted we would like to synchonize
it book's release with KDE 3.2.

Me and José Pires would get 5% each of the book cover price,
which I'd like to be low, (at most 20€, 15€ would be great).
We would probably donate some part of it to some free software
related organization, but forget about that: I'd also like to hear
your comments about the ethical issues involving making money
out the i18n process.

Merry Christmas to everyone,
- -- 
Pedro Morais - -
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