Thoughts on when to put/remove applications to/from CVS

Stephan Binner
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 16:48:05 +0100

On Wednesday 18 December 2002 23:26, Michael Brade wrote:

> PS: I don't like me bitching on kpovmodeler, and I hope I don't offend
> anyone, it's just the best example for this topic.

Other examples to check the rules against of applications in CVS or which 
strive for inclusion or discussions in the past are: krichtexteditor; the 
"small<->enhanced" category: kwrite<->kedit, kaboodle<->noatun, knetload/ 
kcpuload<->ksysguard. "From extragear to core" category: every CD burner,
kvim, kchat. "From kdenonbeta to core": kpdf, kopete, kwintv; dotfile.

I would object to kedit (too simple/buggy), krichtexteditor (incomplete, use 
kword), knetload/kcpuload (perhaps as applets?), kchat (too specific), kwintv
(requires hardware, only Linux?) and dotfile (why has it to be in KDE?).
