Thoughts on when to put/remove applications to/from CVS

Lubos Lunak
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 13:14:27 +0100

On Thursday 19 of December 2002 10:31, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thursday 19 December 2002 03:24, Eva Brucherseifer wrote:
> > and some other document by Aaron which I don't have a link to.
> it was something i threw together as a concept piece some time ago... the
> idea was that it is important to communicate to third party developers (and
> those who watch such communications) clearly and concisely. it seems that
> we don't do that very well at times... so i wrote the above piece as a
> personal excercise in imagining what such a communication would look like.

 I generally like it, but some of the formulations should be probably tweaked 
a bit. E.g. 

"An application built against KDE 3.0 will run without modification using any 
future release of the KDE3 libraries."
(the same for source compatibility).

 I would hesitate to guarantee this 100%. IMHO it should state something about 
documented public API and sane usage (not leaning on side-effects, 
undocumented behaviour and such things). There may be fixes or different 
reasons to change things that are not explicitly documented (the current 
close all fds problem with KProcess may be an example, even though in this 
case it's questionable whether such change would be really a good thing).

"guarantee the active life of KDE3" - I hope TT see it the same way.

 BTW, 'Free Software(TM)' is written with both F and S capitalized AFAIK. 
Moreover I think KDE has always called itself Open Source rather than Free 

Lubos Lunak
KDE developer
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