Removing "Custom pages" feature from KOrganizer

Volker Krause vkrause at
Tue Mar 5 16:46:33 GMT 2024

On Montag, 4. März 2024 09:06:10 CET Daniel Vrátil wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just saw a bug report that "Edit with Qt Designer" button in KOrganizer's
> "Custom Pages" settings dialog doesn't work. The button actually works for
> me, but it made me realized that even after all those years I don't
> actually know or understand what this settings page is supposed to do...
> After reading the code I *believe* it's suppose to let you add a new custom
> UI into the incidence editor so that you can have UI for custom
> X-KORGANIZER-* properties in incidences.


> The only way this could IMO work would be with QUiLoader, but I only found a
> single reference to it, and that's in the settings page code and there are
> no references to the configuration outside of the settings page's code.
> So, since this feature apparently doesn't work *for years* without anyone
> complaining, is there are any reason to fix  it and keep it, or are we OK
> with removing it?

This looks like a "because we can" feature from 25 years ago to me, from a 
time when we were dealing with iCal files that only lived on your local 
computer and you could actually rely on nothing else messing up your custom 

IIRC KAddressBook had a similar feature, which was also removed for similar 

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