Removing "Custom pages" feature from KOrganizer

Daniel Vrátil dvratil at
Mon Mar 4 08:06:10 GMT 2024

Hi all,

I just saw a bug report that "Edit with Qt Designer" button in KOrganizer's 
"Custom Pages" settings dialog doesn't work. The button actually works for me, 
but it made me realized that even after all those years I don't actually know 
or understand what this settings page is supposed to do...

After reading the code I *believe* it's suppose to let you add a new custom  
UI into the incidence editor so that you can have UI for custom X-KORGANIZER-*  
properties in incidences.

The only way this could IMO work would be with QUiLoader, but I only found a 
single reference to it, and that's in the settings page code and there are no 
references to the configuration outside of the settings page's code.

So, since this feature apparently doesn't work *for years* without anyone 
complaining, is there are any reason to fix  it and keep it, or are we OK with 
removing it?

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