KDE PIM Sprint in Toulouse is making a come back!

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Thu Jan 19 14:15:31 GMT 2023

Hello dear PIMsters,

This is to let you know that after a couple of years with no PIM sprint in 
Toulouse, we managed to find a venue interested in hosting it. This looks like 
we can thus think about organizing it again.

It means we need to find a date for it, so I opened a poll just for that:

I noted down the days of the week-end but please assume you will travel to 
Toulouse the Friday just before. I already removed the week-ends when there 
was too high a chance of me not being around in time to greet the early birds.

Please answer as soon as possible. I'll then proceed with proposing the best 
dates to the venue and see which one works for them.

I'm very excited to see this happen again.


PS: For those in the known, the new venue is super close to The Cake Placeā„¢. 
I'm crossing my fingers that we might be able to do something with that. No 
promise yet.
Kevin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

enioka Haute Couture - proud supporting member of KDE
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