November/December KDE PIM summary blog post

Volker Krause vkrause at
Sat Jan 7 10:34:06 GMT 2023

Published now:

On Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2023 19:27:00 CET Volker Krause wrote:
> Thanks for all the input! Here's a draft for review, I plan to publish this
> on Saturday. A prettier screenshot would still be nice (no offense
> Kleopatra, but those message boxes aren't exactly colorful :D), anything
> from Kalendar maybe?
> Thanks,
> Volker
> Here are some of the highlights of what happened around KDE's personal
> information management applications in the past two months. Since [the last
> report](
> mber-october-2022/) 23 people contributed about 1200 code changes, focusing
> on the KDE Gear 22.12 and the Gpg4win 4.1.0 releases and preparing for the
> transition to Qt 6.
> ### Common Infrastructure
> With the upcoming [KF6 branching]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link
> _posts/2022-12-10- %}) work on the Qt 6 transition
> of course continued.
> Another significant set of changes relate to text input and assistance
> features found in the KMail composer. The goal here is to generalize and
> break this out into reusable libraries, to reduce duplication between
> different applications and for more application to benefit from this.
> This includes:
> * Auto corrections as known from word processors, which fixes common typos
> or replaces typographic quotes, based on the same data as used by
> LibreOffice. * Grammar checking.
> * Machine translation to different languages, using online services and
> hopefully eventually also e.g. Mozilla's offline translation data.
> * Text-to-speech output.
> The most obvious one (spell checking) is missing from that list, as this is
> provided by KDE Frameworks since many years already.
> ### KMail
> - Fix Kontact configuration not allowing to select the various components
> (bug 463390).
> - Fix identities with Cc: addresses resulting in a composer without To:
> field (bug 462492).
> - Removed information about the no longer available ShowUserAgent feature
> (bug 448348).
> - Fix random text appearing in KMail's message list configuration settings
> (bug 459399).
> - Fix opening the detailed progress window not doing anything (bug 460289).
> ### Kalendar
> The settings and about page were ported to the new Kirigami Addons
> MobileForm. And the menubar is now more flexible and modular, so that each
> view now has its own menubar that will be displayed when the view is
> displayed.
> * Replace location field in incidence editor page with a combobox (bug
> 462166) * Don't open link twice (bug 455791)
> * Use pixel perfect size for icons (bug 462175)
> * Show tooltip in IncidenceInfoContents for icons (bug 462174)
> * Fix final month dates in schedule view BUG:461200 (bug 461200)
> We also fixed a few bugs:
> * Replace location field in incidence editor page with a combobox (bug
> 462166) * Don't open link twice (bug 455791)
> * Use pixel perfect size for icons (bug 462175)
> * Show tooltip in IncidenceInfoContents for icons (bug 462174)
> * Fix final month dates in schedule view BUG:461200 (bug 461200)
> ### Kleopatra
> On 20 December, [Gpg4win 4.1.0](
> gpg4win-announce/2022/000099.html) including the brand-new GnuPG 2.4.0 and
> a current snapshot of Kleopatra was released for Windows. On the same day,
> [GnuPG Desktop®]( based on the
> same sources was released as AppImage for Linux.
> These releases include the following (usability) improvements and fixes that
> were made in the last two months:
> * The problem that a wrong user ID was sometimes preselected when certifying
> a single user ID of a key with invalid user IDs was fixed.
> ([T6265](https://
> * Actions that require the secret key material can no longer be started if
> the secret key material is not available (e.g. because it is stored on a
> smart card). This prevents confusing errors when users tried to use those
> actions. ([T6214](
> * The initial keylisting that is done on the start of Kleopatra does now
> suppress the potentially slow automatic key validity check. This prevents
> seemingly random slow starts of Kleopatra. ([T6261](
> T6261))
> * The workflow for giving your own keys and the keys of other people the
> power to certify other keys was radically simplified.
> ([T6148]( T6148))
> {% include figure.html
> filename="/assets/posts/135/T6148-grant-certification- power-now.jpg"
>     caption="New much simplified grant certificate power dialog."
>     alternative_text="New much simplified grant certificate power dialog."
> %}
> {% include figure.html
> filename="/assets/posts/135/T6148-grant-certification- power-before.jpg"
>     caption="Previous certificate power dialog."
>     alternative_text="Previous complex grant certificate power dialog."
> %}
> * The workflow for moving a private key to a smart card was simplified by
> offering the deletion of the locally stored private key after copying a key
> to a smart card. Previously, this workflow involved the export of the
> public key, the deletion of the complete certificate and the re-import of
> the exported public key. ([T5836](
> * Additionally, two bugs were fixed that could occur when copying a key to a
> smart card. ([T6281](, ([T6287](https://
> * Invalid S/MIME certificates are no longer offered when encrypting
> something. ([T6216](
> * The generation of an ECC key with curve Curve25519 on a smart card is now
> only offered if the smart card supports this curve. ([T4429](https://
> * Kleopatra now supports newer NetKey smart cards additionally to NetKey v3
> smart cards. ([T6277](
> * The certificate import was improved by offering diagnostic output after
> the import (to better identify problems)
> ([T6268](, by skipping the optional
> certification process when importing own public keys
> ([T6183](, by reporting failed imports
> immediately when importing multiple files ([T6302](
> T6302)),
> and by supporting the import of UTF-16 (and UTF-32) encoded certificates
> ([T6298](
> * When editing certificate groups the list of available certificates now
> only shows certificates that are not in the group. This makes it easier to
> spot certificates that are missing in the group
> ([T6295]( T6295)).
> * On Windows, sometimes texts with international characters that were read
> from the backend processes were displayed incorrectly, e.g. the details of
> S/ MIME certificates. This problem was fixed.
> ([T5960]( T5960))
> * It's no longer possible to start the certification process for expired
> keys. And canceling the certification process is now handled gracefully.
> ([T6305](
> ### Itinerary
> Itinerary has been ported to the Kirigami MobileForms UI components and got
> initial support for the new European railway ticket barcode standard FCB as,
> as well as many other improvements. See [its own summary blog post]({{
> site.baseurl }}{% link _posts/2022-12-03-kde-itinerary-october-
> %}) for more details.
> {% include figure.html
> filename="/assets/posts/133/kde-itinerary-train-ticket- page-bottom.png"
>     caption="Train ticket page with inline context actions and attached
> documents."
>     alternative_text="Screenshot showing the bottom part of KDE Itinerary's
> train ticket page showing inline context actions."
> %}
> ### KAlarm
> - Fix daily alarms continually triggering just before end of daylight
> savings time ([bug 461713](
> - Where possible, set a default command to invoke terminal to run command
> alarms in.
> - Fix handling of quoted path if configured for command to invoke terminal
> for command alarms.
> - Show error message if environment variables are set in command alarm
> command line.
> - In Preferences dialog, if a warning message is shown after OK is clicked,
> don't close the dialog until the user has responded.
> - Use KAlarm's default time zone to evaluate trigger times for working time
> alarms.
> - Update date picker display when a resource becomes disabled.
> ### Help us make KDE PIM even better!
> Take a look at some of the junior jobs that we have! They are simple, mostly
> programming tasks that don’t require any deep knowledge or understanding of
> the code, so anyone can work on them. Feel free to pick any task from the
> list and reach out to us by
> [email](, [Matrix
>]( or IRC
> We’ll be happy to guide you and answer all your questions.
> [Read more
> here…](

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