KDE PIM Sprint in Toulouse, wiki page available

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Sat Feb 18 21:15:41 GMT 2023


Better late than never, I finally got round to hunt for the hotels around the 
venue (honestly that's the toughest bit... many options with prices varying 
greatly and partial information regarding quality of course while trying to 
keep the price low enough).

Anyway, here it is: https://community.kde.org/Sprints/PIM/2023

Thanks Ingo for writing the first version with the proper structure.

Please prepare your trip now if not done yet and add yourself in the 
"Attendance" and "Arrival and departure times" sections.

Kevin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

enioka Haute Couture - proud supporting member of KDE
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