kmail serious problems

Kevin Ottens ervin at
Mon Feb 6 07:49:41 GMT 2023


On Sunday, 5 February 2023 23:42:21 CET Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> (I'm still using pop3, if that matters).

It seems to matter. At least it seems to lie in some combination between 
maildir, pop3 and filters.

> I haven't see any such problems in other email clients or web mail
> interfaces. This is so bad that I'm starting to consider alternatives.

I got a colleague, long time user, been a contributor as well who had similar 
issues to your which went all the way to random data losses.

On a new computer he tried to import his email collection on a fresh install. 
Basically it was slow (he had to let it run over night) and... it never 
completed, he could never see all his emails in KMail anymore at that point. 

After numerous attempts over three days, he just gave up and installed 
Thunderbird which swallowed his whole collection in a couple of minutes. He 
was sad to abandon KMail but never looked back.

I'm an happy KMail user myself... but I switched to IMAP long ago.

I'm telling all this because it looks like something is *really* rotten 
somewhere in our POP3/Maildir story. Asking people to just switch to IMAP is 
unrealistic though, there are valid uses for POP3.

Kevin Ottens,

enioka Haute Couture - proud supporting member of KDE
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