January/February KDE PIM summary blog post

Laurent Montel montel at kde.org
Tue Feb 22 12:14:16 GMT 2022

During these two months I mainly worked on qt6 port.
I adapted build system, fixed a lot of qt6 compile error, port grantlee lib to 
ktexttemplate (grantlee6)

Now a lot of libs compiles against qt6 (kmime/akonadi*/kmbox/kpimtextedit 

Otherwise I fixed a lot of ui bugs/bugs in pim*

I finished my new kmail plugin “Open Url With” it’s a plugin which allows to 
launch specific apps from a specific url.
For example RocketChat can send notification email when an user want to speak 
you (when ruqola/rocketchat client is down), in this email you will have a 
specific url so you can assign url (host mainly) to a specific apps.
So now I can open directly ruqola and not firefox when I click on it.

I added screenshots.

Thanks all for me.

On lundi 21 février 2022 18:17:15 CET Volker Krause wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> it's time for the bi-monthly blog post again :)
> If you have contributed in January or February, a summary of your most
> noteworthy changes would be helpful, bonus points for corresponding
> screenshots or links to already existing blog posts. If you noticed
> something noteworthy during the past two months, feel free to add that as
> well of course!
> To help refresh your memories and to make sure we aren't missing anything
> important, there's two files attached here, an auto-generated detailed
> changelog (this tends to be 30-50% of the commits, using David F's changelog
> scripts for KF5 releases), and basic commit stats for the PIM repositories.
> Secondly, we need help with compiling, editing and eventually publishing the
> blog post. Ideally this rotates between a number of people so that everyone
> has to do that only once per year or so.
> I did the last one
> (https://volkerkrause.eu/2022/01/08/kde-pim-november-december-2021.html),
> who wants to do this one?
> Thanks for you help!
> Volker

Laurent Montel | laurent.montel at kdab.com | KDE/Qt Senior Software Engineer 
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel: France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53, http://www.kdab.fr
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
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