Poll: sorting to-dos by priority

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Mon Jun 14 22:24:13 BST 2021

On Montag, 14. Juni 2021 22:18:31 CEST Glen Ditchfield wrote:
> The iCalendar standard defines a priority to be a single-digit integer, with
> 1 being the highest priority and 9 being the lowest.  So, if you sort a
> list of to-dos by priority in ascending order, what do you expect to see?
>  A) 1, 2, 3, ... 9 (lowest to highest number)
>  B) 9, 8, 7, ... 1 (lowest to highest priority)
> KOrganizer's printed to-do list uses order A, due to code in the
> KCalendarCore library, but the on-screen to-do list uses order B.  I'd like
> to pick one.

I would expect the to-dos to be printed in the same order as they are 
displayed. Further, I'd expect to be able to choose whether I want the to-dos 
to be sorted by ascending or descending order of priority.


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