Making unit tests first-class again across PIM repos

Glen Ditchfield GJDitchfield at
Mon Aug 9 18:12:55 BST 2021

On Monday, August 9, 2021 11:05:01 A.M. CDT Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> How could it happen that the unit tests regressed, often for years?

1) If a test file is already failing, a change that breaks it in an additional 
way will not raise any alarms.  ctest just tells me that I didn't break 
anything _new_.  Breakage accumulates.

2) Our tests are generally not very granular.  Test functions often test many 
things in succession instead of a single thing, and the first failure 
suppresses later tests.  Jenkins reports failures at the test file level, not 
the test function level, so new breakage is hard to detect; see 1).

3) If a change in an upstream library causes a failure in a downstream 
library's tests, the upstream developer will not notice;  no one will even see 
the breakage until an unrelated change to the downstream causes a CI run.  See 

4) Most of us are here to "scratch an itch".  Fixing a failing test that 
doesn't have any apparent connection to the current feature/bug of interest 
just isn't enough fun.

5) I have seen tests fail in my development environment that succeed in 
Jenkins, and vice versa.  I have no idea how to investigate FreeBSD and 
Windows issues.  See 4).

> How to prevent that happening again?

I'd like to see Gitlab consistently block MRs that increase the number of 
failing test functions.  Of course that won't affect optimists who commit 

I believe Jenkins can be configured to rebuild downstream libraries 
automatically when upstream libraries change, but the configuration effort and 
resource usage may be too high.

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