Kube & Sink docs at api.kde.org/doc still wanted/needed?
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau at kde.org
Sat May 23 12:36:11 BST 2020
To avoid misunderstandings, let me start with a disclaimer:
No bad feelings here myself to anyone, also neutral to actual projects and
where they should live and with whom cooperate.
All I care for are synergy effects and getting things cleaned up and fixed and
properly done, without resources wasted and pseudo activities happening :)
Am Freitag, 22. Mai 2020, 14:07:02 CEST schrieb Christian Mollekopf:
> On Friday, 22 May 2020 12:23:20 CEST you wrote:
> > doing some housekeeping on the server behind api.kde.org it was found to
> > surprise to some that the nightly script is spending cpu, i/o & storage
> > resources each day on generating some documentation for Kube & Sink, with
> > the result available on
> >
> > https://api.kde.org/doc/kube
> > https://api.kde.org/doc/sink
> >
> > At least for Kube the official documentaion as linked from
> > kube-project.com
> > seems to be on https://kube.readthedocs.io though, not api.kde.org/doc.
> >
> > So is that documentation generated and made available on api.kde.org/doc
> > still wanted, or could we remove it already?
> Whatever is easier for the time being.
For me it is not about what is easier, but what makes sense.
> It's not API documentation so it was
> always a special case,
Yes, reading the content it seems more "About project" material to me, not
targeting developer end users, like api.kde.org does, but rather developers
working on sink & kube itself.
Why has that been located on api.kde.org at all, instead of getting an own
server with own subdomain? Smells a bit like "too little love" to me :(
More perfect would have been using the doc system that other KDE projects use
for internal organisation, which is community.kde.org wiki. Yet, I see why one
would like a non-wiki-but-run-by-content-from-git solution, but that should be
done in cooperation with other KDE projects who also would prefer such a
thing, so there would be a proper server name/location and also things
properly linked from everywhere. After all synergy is one of the motivations
for having something like the KDE organization, so any server systems are only
setup/administrated once, but used by many and with some consistency.
> and I started using readthedocs.io at some point
> because publishing repeatedly broke and I didn't have a direct way to fix
> it myself.
Why did you not manage to get that direct way? And why was the old system not
turned down at the time when you switched? Again I smell "too little love" :(
Or is this about "easiest"? :) Being part of a big organisation does not come
for free with all the goodies only, of course it also comes with bureaucracy
and dealing with people whose first priority is not your own project. And
having to contribute to some common goods which not fully serve own needs.
Please do that trade-off, because being part of an organization also means you
are the organization.
Also disappointed to see that kube.kde.org ATM forwards out of KDE spheres to
kube-project.com as homepage, which is not a KDE-run server by what who-is
tells me.
How much do sink & kube want to be real KDE projects? Any chance you could get
off your fence position and do a jump to either side in the near future? (KDE
one preferred for assumed synergy effects)
> > Be aware that the current legacy system behind api.kde.org is in
> > maintenance mode and in some months(?) hopefully replaced by some new
> > system, so you want to make sure any perhaps existing interest in future
> > documentation generation in that new system is covered. See
> > https://phabricator.kde.org/T12004
> Once that new system is up and running we can look at it again,
> from the ticket it seems the usecase of mkdocs has been taken into account,
> which should be all that is necessary I think.
Not part of that initiative (for now), but from reading the task I think that
while the use of mkdocs has been listed there as part of analysis of old
api.kde.org system setup, it is unclear yet why it is used and how much sense
it makes. Also note there is an open question to you:
By what I read and saw so far, I am rather decided to propose to just shut
down doc generation for kube & sink on api.kde.org/doc, given I sense no
serious interest in those docs at that place and them also being misplaced
under that domain. With kube.kde.org redirecting to kube-project.com it also
seems to me that the cannot-decide-to-be-a-real-kde-project state is accepted
state by those who incubated kube & sink into KDE spheres, and also not
motivated myself to pull or push someone who does not have intrinsic
motivation to move themselves and just would need assistance for that. All
happy to help (where I can, no admin myself) those who have intrinsic
motivation and show active interest though :)
So unless I hear some objection, would be coordinating with sysadmin the
disabling of the generation & serving of the about-project docs for kube &
sink at api.kde.org/doc upcoming WE, May 30th/31st.
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