PIM license exception

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Wed Aug 12 17:37:58 BST 2020

On Monday, 10 August 2020 22:15:23 CEST Christophe Giboudeaux wrote:
> I tried looking in the Qt 2 and Qt 3 code to find something related, but
> this looks specific to the PIM code.

There was special wording added via the Aegypten project in 2004, it seems. So 
the problem is that you're trying to link GPL code with non-GPL Qt on Windows, 
if I understand Marc's description from then.

Trolltech did have special exceptions for linking GPL Qt with other non-GPL-
compatible Free Software licenses (e.g. around Qt 4.3 there's some 

As I said on IRC, I don't think this is relevant anymore; there's a GPL Qt 
available on Windows -- and on the commercial side, it's the *Qt* license now 
that prevents linking to open source things, rather than the other way around.

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