Kdesrc-build kde-pim fails at kxmlgui (30/139)

A. F. Cano afc54 at comcast.net
Tue Oct 29 21:10:42 GMT 2019

On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 09:11:26AM +0100, Christophe Giboudeaux wrote:
> ...

Thanks! It worked.  I'm now past kxmlgui, after installing many more
(much more obvious, mostly *-dev) packages, at 81/139.  Will post
separately about the latest problem.

> A couple things are needed to generate QCH files: Qt5Core (which you certainly 
> have installed) and the 'qtcore/qtcore.tags' (the Debian package search says 
> it is in qtbase5-doc-html). If present, a couple more things are required:

Installed this and that's what I needed.

> doxygen, qhelpgenerator.

Doxygen was already installed.  A search for the second (in aptitude)
didn't find a match, but it either was already there somehow or not

> ...
> The package is called qtbase5-private-dev on Debian.

This got me past the second error.  Thanks again.


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