T6854: Modernizing Kontact look

René J.V. Bertin noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue May 7 10:00:45 BST 2019

rjvbb added a comment.

  (User, not VDG member)
  In case it isn't already too late to voice this:
  In my very humble but very serious opinion the desktop version should remain traditionally widget based, not be moved to QML/Quick. Phone UIs can work great ... on phones and tablets (but have been taking serious hits in the post-iOS-7.0 era).
  > how we could improve the Kontact UI to look more modern and slick.
  You shouldn't. These are aspects that should remain a function of the local user's taste and choice of theming.
  One good reason that probably gets overlooked by many: QML/Quick use different font rendering paths which for me means text mostly looks like sh*** compared to the Freetype/Infinality quality rendering I get just about everywhere else (which to my eyes looks better than text displays on my Mac and MSWin systems).
  Users who prefer a phone-UI interface already can use Kube.


To: rjvbb
Cc: andreask, ognarb, rguinot, januz, amiguel, matheusm, ochurlaud, prh, zhigalin, rjvbb, alex-l, dkurz, alake, mlaurent, abetts, andreaska, flherne, #vdg, #kde_pim, dvratil, cblack, arvidhansson, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Pixel_Lime, jraleigh, squeakypancakes, alexde, IohannesPetros, GB_2, trickyricky26, mglb, crozbo, ndavis, firef, skadinna, dvasin, aaronhoneycutt, rodsevich, winterz, vkrause, mbohlender, knauss
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