D20363: CollectionScheduler: port to qint64 to avoid the year-2038 bug

Daniel Vrátil noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Apr 12 09:21:32 BST 2019

dvratil requested changes to this revision.
dvratil added inline comments.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.


> collectionschedulertest.cpp:52
>          for (qint64 collectionId : {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}) {
> -            QVERIFY(sched.nextScheduledTime(collectionId) > now + 4 * 60);
> -            QVERIFY(sched.nextScheduledTime(collectionId) < now + 6 * 60);
> +            QVERIFY(sched.nextScheduledTime(collectionId) > now + std::chrono::minutes(4));
> +            QVERIFY(sched.nextScheduledTime(collectionId) < now + std::chrono::minutes(6));

Add `using namespace std::chrono_literals` to the top, then you can use `4m` instead of having to spell out the whole type (also elsewhere in the code).


To: dfaure, dvratil
Cc: pino, kde-pim
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