Akumabol: Dead software, should it be removed?

Daniel Vrátil dvratil at kde.org
Sat Sep 22 10:20:58 BST 2018

On Friday, 21 September 2018 12:56:32 CEST Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> Hello PImsters.

Hi Tomaz,

> I issued a kdesrc-build kdepim today and it downloaded quite a lot of
> software that failed to build, a few of them cougth my attention, specially
> akumabol.

Did you run kdesrc-build with "kdepim" or "kde-pim"? The first one attempts to 
build KDE4 kdepim repository and its ancient KDE4 dependencies, probably 
including akumabol (although I have to admit this is the first time I'm 
actually hearing about this project). The latter is the group that will get 
you current Kontact.

> It looks like it's a akonadi plugin for `fumabol`, I had no idea what's
> that, so I searched for it. Zero hits on the libfumabol (that's required to
> build), most of the hits on google are for fumabol server, this is not even
> in the 'aur' repository for arch linux (that's supposed to contain userfull
> things that are not in the main repos yet)
> Besides, this software has seen no meaningfull commit since 2012 so I can
> say it's dead having it never been actually released (it's still alpha
> code, lots of TODO, etc.)
> What you guys thing?

Hmm, turns out akumabol is in playground/pim, so that might be where your 
kdesrc-build took it from (although stock kdesrc-build config won't build from 
playground, at least not for the kde-pim project, so maybe it's some custom 
configuration you have?)

Anyway, I can see some other projects in playground/pim that are virtually 
dead (akonadi-google-applets, akonadi-facebook, akonadi-git-resource, akonadi-
vkontakte, rekollect...), but I don't actually know what the policy on dead 
projects in playground is - should they also be moved to unmaintained, or is 
that only for projects that went at least through review?


> Tomaz

Daniel Vrátil
www.dvratil.cz | dvratil at kde.org
IRC: dvratil on Freenode (#kde, #kontact, #akonadi, #fedora-kde)

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