Thank you for KMail!

Martin Steigerwald martin at
Fri Jun 29 23:31:22 BST 2018

Hey PIM developers and testers!

I just thank you for KMail!

I noticed just again how much I love using it. There are some nitpicks 
with how it handles word wrapping for quoting in some cases, but… in 
general it is just a program I love to use. So much that back then where 
Akonadi has been really unreliable for me I still put up with using it. 
There are times it appears to me that the program was just written for 
me and me alone. It just works like I like to have it work for me.

I just though "Hmmm, how many mails did I write with KMail?". And I 
thought it would be about 10000 or so. Wrong: More than 30000 mails. In 
words: thirty thousand mails. At least according to my sent folder which 
has mails from July 2004 to today. I probably has some other even older 
sent-mail folder I forgot about, but it may just be about it. 2004 could 
be about right for when I started using KMail regularly. That is almost 
15 years of KMail usage. And hey: more than 30000 mails written with it.

I reduced the amounts of mails stored in it meanwhile, it has been over 
2 million mails, but I meanwhile just tar up old LKML and other large 
folders, I usually do one folder for a quarter of a year. After tar 
created the tarball, I just rm the folder within the filesystem. Already 
just to ease the workload for the akonadi_indexing_agent which I still 
just kill as a process because it uses up too much resource even on this 
Dual SSD BTRFS RAID 1 with 16 GiB RAM ThinkPad T520. (I bet my BTRFS is 
quite aged and not in the best shape and this may contribute to it.)

I dream of someday just putting all those tarballs back into KMail + 
Akonadi or whatever successor it of Akonadi KMail may use at this time. 
And even import the ton of mails I still have in Yet Another Mailer 
(YAM) mail application for AmigaOS and AmigaOS like operating systems. 
Looking forward to have three million mails or more fully searchable and 
accessible and probably looking at what nonsense or so I or others wrote 
10 years ago :).

I really look forward to Daniel´s notification payloads. And all the 
other improvements, still using KDEPIM 17.12.


Thank you for KMail.

If you remember one thing from this mail: Let it be this.

Thank you.

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