[Kde-pim] Frameworks branch?

John Layt jlayt at kde.org
Tue Jul 8 18:36:09 BST 2014

On 24 June 2014 17:08, laurent Montel <montel at kde.org> wrote:
> Le mardi 24 juin 2014 16:45:35 John Layt a écrit :

>> With KF5 due to be tagged in one week, and 4.14 going into feature
>> freeze tomorrow, I was wondering what the state of the kdepimlibs
>> frameworks branch was?

>> I seem to recall steveire had a frameworks branch somewhere with lots
>> of build changes and other things, was this ever merged in?

Do we know if Steve's changes were ever merged in?

>> Did we reach a consensus on when we want to switch our focus from KDE4
>> to KF5?  After 4.14 or 4.15?
> After 4.15.

> So better to still work on master until 4.15 and after focus on framework so
> we will have time more time to work on framework.

OK, so is that just for the apps in kdepim, or for kdepimlibs as well?
 The Frameworks and Plasma teams are interested in the planned
scheduled and obviously want things sooner rather than later :-)


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