[Kde-pim] Coding style reviews

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Thu Feb 27 18:01:57 GMT 2014

On Thursday 27 February 2014 18:49:14 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> Hey,
> is it really necessary to post the coding style reviews one file per one
> review? The amount of emails generated from it is...huge. 250 emails in the
> last 10 minutes. It makes also searching in the archives really hard*. Also
> it drowns anything else sent to the list plus makes people tune off this
> mailing list.
> Also I imagine opening 250 reviews must be quite annoying.
> Can we please please tune it down to let's say 10 files per one review? 20
> maybe? Or maybe not sent it to this list at all?
> It's a great and much appreciated effort, don't get me wrong, it's just the
> amounts of emails on this list is enormous.
> * look here: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-pim&r=1&b=201402&w=2 -- 1120+
> messages only in February, try to find anything sensible in there :/  Plus
> now there will be one "ship it" email for each review, two more from
> commits. That means over 750 more emails coming. Uf.
> Cheers

Actually, I was just about to complain about it to before I read your mail ;)
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