[Kde-pim] configuration in akonadi-next

Daniel Vrátil dvratil at redhat.com
Thu Dec 18 13:39:03 GMT 2014

On Thursday, December 18, 2014 02:31:26 PM Martin Klapetek wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Daniel Vrátil <dvratil at redhat.com> wrote:
> > There are usecases when sysadmins want to pre-configure users' Akonadi on
> > first login to have their email, corporate calendar etc. configured. This
> > would be difficult with KAccounts (IMO). I'm much more in favor of
> > following
> > the current approach of each resource instance having it's own config file
> > in
> > ~/.config/akonadi (wouldlaos  make migration much easier for us). Just my
> > $0.02.
> Technically I think that having pre-configured stuff would be possible with
> KAccounts,
> the existing accounts are stored in just a sqlite database.

Shipping a pre-configured sqlite database is much harder than shipping an INI 

> Plus I'd assume you'd have to authenticate to that corporate account on
> first login anyway?
> What I did in KTp is when it finds a Telepathy account which is not stored
> in KAccounts, it asks for password (which it would anyway because no stored
> password exists) and if you choose to save the password, new account in
> KAccounts
> is created for that Telepathy account.

Exactly: you ship full config with username and everything (you know username 
form LDAP or by current username), the only thing missing is password. When 
you first start KMail, it tries to sync, resource finds it does not have 
password and asks for it. You type it in, confirm KWallet and it's done.

> However, I believe that the config should indeed be rather stored in it's
> own config file.
> The reason is smaller overhead compared to starting and querying KAccounts.

Also storing full configuration in (binary) database is evil and simply wrong 


> Cheers

Daniel Vrátil | dvratil at redhat.com | dvratil on #kde-devel, #kontact, #akonadi
Software Engineer - KDE Desktop Team, Red Hat Inc.

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