[Kde-pim] Marketing blocker collection, DEADLINE: 2013-03-10

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Mon May 6 20:42:17 BST 2013

Hi Georg,

Am Sonntag, 3. März 2013, 12:43:44 schrieb Georg C. F. Greve:
> Dear all,
> True to tradition, we spent a good amount of time talking about when it
> would be time to go out and tell the world to give KDE PIM a try. At the
> sprint there was unanimous agreement it is time to dispend with this
> tradition.

Whats the current state with this marketing blocker collection?

I now switched to KDEPIM-2 and all I can say from my migration experience and 
the experience after migration KDEPIM-2 + Akonadi or more specifically KMail-2 
+ Akonadi are still quite rough for non test/debug/find-workaround-experienced 

I wouldn´t use it as a mail solution in a company right now for example.

And I think main show stopper are still correctness, consistency issues, 
unhelpful error messages / notifications during daily use - like mail cannot be 
moved or deleted with a maildir mail file name and no reason as to *why* or way 
to fix it up.

I find it difficult to trust KDEPIM-2 with my data, although I think I found a 
POP3 setup that seems to work, but has some limitations like:

1) No automatic filtering at all.

2) No CRM114 spam filter rules, also not manually.

I know: No new issues after DEADLINE. But well, I just started to switch now, 
and from my experience of the last two weeks I do think it was a wise decision 
of Debian Qt/KDE maintainers to still ship with KDEPIM 1. I reported more than 
20 bugs and I still found some more during that time. Some might be minor, but 
others are correctness issues that make it difficult for me to trust the 

Anyway I am fine with no new issues after DEADLINE, except for new bugs being 
found that cause data loss.

I am also asking due to "kde-pim hopeless?" thread in kdepim-users. I do not 
think it is. But I see that it has only few developers who work really hard. I 
think about how users can help, maybe some bug triaging. I try to isolate 
repeatable testcases for the gravest bugs I found as time permits. Testing and 
reproducing takes quite some time too.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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