[Kde-pim] How to reference to kde api in qt creator

Kevin Krammer krammer at kde.org
Tue Nov 6 21:15:45 GMT 2012

On Tuesday, 2012-11-06, Martin Klapetek wrote:

> > When I try to include and compile, I get this error
> > 
> >  'KXmlGuiWindow' file not found
> > 
> > I found this documentation.
> > 
> > http://www.purinchu.net/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKXmlGuiWindow.htm
> > l
> This is a part of kdelibs, so you need kdelibs compiled and installed too.
> Then you just do
> #include <kxmlguiwindow.h>
> in your source code as the doc says and then you need to link against the
> proper library, which is ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS} for CMake, but I don't know
> what variable you need to use for QMake (when using qt creator), that might
> need some googling :)

Using Qt Creator doesn't mean you can't make use of the way more advanced 
CMake build system :)
If, however, suffering with qmake is part of the exercise, then the best way is 
probably to build and install all KDE libraries into a common prefix and 
reference that via environment variable. qmake has support for those.

> > I develop with a mac with mac os 10.8.2. I have macport that contain a
> > kde version.
> I'm not familiar with developing on mac, so hopefully someone else will
> give you more specific info if my response won't be enough :)

If macport has KDE libraries installed somewhere, you should be able to 
reference that location either in a hard coded way or through an environment 
variable that is set before qmake runs.

But, as Martin said, people who actually do use Mac for development might have 
even better ways of doing it.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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