[Kde-pim] Kdepim coding style: indentation

David Jarvie djarvie at kde.org
Tue Mar 1 13:46:44 GMT 2011

I'd like to propose that the kdepim coding standard
http://community.kde.org/KDE_PIM/Development/CodingStyle/Korganizer should
be amended to allow indentation with either 2 or 4 spaces. To avoid
confusion when reading code, the two indentations should not, of course,
be mixed together. The standard should stipulate that the same indentation
should be used throughout each source file. Alternatives might be that
each subdirectory, or each function, can have its own indentation.

For the benefit of those who were not there, this proposal is prompted by
a show  of hands at the recent kdepim meeting when someone asked people
which indentation they preferred. Most people preferred 4 spaces rather
than the current 2.


David Jarvie.
KDE developer.
KAlarm author - http://www.astrojar.org.uk/kalarm

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