[Kde-pim] Re: Kmail' ideas for the GSoC 2011 (sysadmin work?)

Christophe cgiboudeaux at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 15:12:44 GMT 2011


On Friday 11 February 2011 10:38:44 Thomas McGuire wrote:
> There is actually a "KMail2" product. In retrospect, it would have been
> better to add that as a version to the "KMail"product instead, since having
> two products is apparently to confusing for reports.
> Maybe sysadmin can move all reports from KMail2 to KMail with version
> "2.0.89"?

As a triager, I don't really like this idea for several reasons:
- drkonqi uses the appname defined in the kaboutdata when the user reports a 
crash. If the KMail2 bugs are mixed with the kmail1 ones, the current beta 
users won't be able to report crashes until the next version.
- That would mix the kmail2 with the pre-akonadi ones (we still have a few 
hundreds KDE3 bugs around) which makes them harder to triage.
- Even if a crash happen with the same testcase, a KMail2 backtrace has a very 
high risk to have nothing common with a KMail1 one.

What I suggest:
- Define a date where we stop accepting the KMail1 reports then set the product 
ReadOnly on BKO. (yes, that will make some users angry but at some point we 
have to clearly state that kdepim 4.4.10 was the last KMail1 version)

- reassign the KMail1 normal bugs to the appropriate product if relevant 
(Akonadi, KMail2, kdepim...)

I also suggest testing the KMail1 crashers and open new reports if 
reproducible then close the KMail1 crash reports. (sysadmin help is welcome to 
avoid killing ktown).


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