[Kde-pim] Re: [SyncEvolution] Akonadi + KDE support: vcard extensions

Patrick Ohly patrick.ohly at intel.com
Fri Apr 1 11:54:56 BST 2011

On Do, 2011-03-31 at 08:16 +0100, Dinesh wrote:
> Attached are all the patches which should get the Akonadi branch up
> and running, with the addition of KJots conversion.

On which revision are these patches based? The patch series starts with
a diff against 9a062ca but there is no such revision in the upstream
SyncEvolution repo, nor in your clone of it.

Another reason why I cannot apply these patches is that all of them come
without commit comments. Please use "git format-patch" to produce
patches, not "git diff". But see below...

> I have also attached.
> git log -p --author = "Dinesh" >
> PatchesByDineshToARebasedAkonadiBranchToMaster
> after rebasing it to current master...

This shows the full history, including trial-and-error commits and
reverts. Such a branch is hard to review and merge.

Can you do the following?

     1. rebase your current development branch onto "master"
     2. use "git rebase -i master" to
              * squash patches that belong together
              * edit patches which don't have a proper commit message or
                need to be split up
     3. push the resulting branch to your repo

Be careful to not wipe out something. Better create a new branch first,
then you can always wipe it out and go back to the original one if
something goes wrong.

Once you are done, I can pull it and either merge it outright or pick
patches that are ready, with comments provided for the others which are

> So basically if these patches are accepted, I hope we can have KDE
> support via. command line tool with Syncevolution 1.2?

That would be cool.

> And any updates on the GUI Sivan? Rohan is interested to work on it
> too... So could you folks please discuss it? 

Sivan told me in private email that he has no time to work on a UI. It
would be good if Rohan could take over.

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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