[Kde-pim] Re: KDE PIM 4.6 branch and release

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 18:46:48 BST 2011

Markus Slopianka wrote:

> Am Samstag 23 April 2011, 11:36:58 schrieb Stephen Kelly:
>> We're planning on releasing KDE PIM 4.6 as part of KDE SC 4.6.3.
> With this, we should carefully craft a release announcement.
> I'm currently attempting to come up with something under
> https://promo.notes.kde.org/33

Thanks for doing that. I've revised the text a bit to be an announcement of 
the schedule only. I figured as it's only a schedule announcement now, that 
should be relatively low-key anyway.

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