[Kde-pim] Re: KDEPIM 4.6 Testing

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Mon Apr 25 18:56:52 BST 2011

On Monday 25 April 2011, Christian Mollekopf wrote:
> On Sunday, April 24, 2011 02:49:40 PM Kevin Krammer wrote:
> > On Sunday, 2011-04-24, Christian Mollekopf wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > After setting migrator=true somwhere in the config the migration
> > > started.
> > > On the first run it looked ok, but I think I aborted the
> > > migration.
> > > 
> > > The logwindow showed migration complete, but maybe only for one
> > > resource,
> > > and it was still working on the others (I'm not sure).
> > 
> > If the button was enabled, it had finished (or there is a bug in
> > there somewhere).
> Ok
> > > So after pressing the close button a message appeared saying that
> > > the migration failed.
> > 
> > Can you check if the log file contains anything interesting?
> > in .kde/share/apps/kmail-migrator
> Thats all:
> [Sat Apr 23 22:54:03 2011] Info   : Starting migration...
> [Sat Apr 23 22:54:03 2011] Info   : Beginning KMail migration...
> [Sat Apr 23 22:54:03 2011] Success: Migration successfully completed.
> [Sat Apr 23 22:54:04 2011] Info   : Migration finished
> > > Then I tried again, using "kmail-migrator --interactive", which
> > > was finished in a snap.
> > > The created resources were not entirely correct (All IMAP
> > > accounts). First they all had the imap server in the format
> > > "imap.googlemail.com:993", where I had to delete :993 manually.
> > 
> > Very strange, my IMAP accounts always migrate successfully.
> > The IMAP resource is configured through the D-Bus interface, host
> > and port are set separately (IIRC). so the data could have already
> > been wrong in orginal config but not interpreted in the same way.
> > 
> > > Second the Authenthication was set to "PLAIN" instead of
> > > "Cleartext". After correcting those two, the accounts connected.
> > 
> > There were a couple of changes between old IMAP code and new one
> > regarding these values IIRC. Maybe the mapping is not correct
> > (Laurent and I did test this a lot, no idea why it is broken now).
> Ok. Not a big deal IMO as it is easily fixed in the config.
> PS: while sending I noticed that also the Sent-Mail folder was not
> properly configured. I first had to open the config, where all
> folders automatically changed to the defaults because the old ones
> are not existing anymore. That fixed the problem.

That's interesting because apparently sent-mail folders also do not work 
anymore in KMail1 (using kde(pim)libs 4.6). At least, there's a recent 
report on kdepim-users about problems with the sent-mail folders.

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